Born in Moscow, my life so far has taken me on a colourful journey of cultural, social and personal discovery.
I have worked in the art world over the last 17 years. Ranging from a more corporate environment - being a Director at Christie’s auction house in London, to leading an international contemporary art fair in Moscow and finally setting up my own art-advisory in Zurich.
As it often happens, I hit a brick wall in a seemingly “perfect” life – was stuck in an emotional turmoil, a lack of personal and professional fulfillment that lead me to re-assess my place in this world, my values, my actions and most importantly to come closer to understanding my life purpose:
to paint my own picture, whilst helping others realize that they too have the power to choose the colours that go on the splendid canvas that is life.
Ergo coaching!
My curiosity about the human condition, about the mystery and power of our being, enhanced by my deep passion for words, art and music is reflected in the way I approach coaching:
Creatively, Intuitively, Vibrantly.